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- Current lectures and seminars:
- Past teaching activities:
- Optimization – winter 2015/2016, 2016/2017, 2017/2018, 2018/2019, 2019/2020 (seminars)
- Neuroinformatics – summer 2013/2014, 2014/2015, 2015/2016, 2017/2018, 2018/2019, 2019/2020, 2020/2021 (1 seminar, 1 lecture)
- Cognitive systems
- only seminars: winter 2013/2014 , 2015/2016
- seminars + lectures: 2014/2015, 2016/2017, 2017/2018, 2018/2019, 2019/2020, 2020/2021
- PhD students:
- Gabriela Šejnová: (co-supervision, supervisor: Michal Vavrečka)
- Michael Tesař: (co-supervision, supervisor: Michal Vavrečka)
- Supervised thesis (DP – master thesis, BP – bachelor) and semestral projects (IP):
- Petr Vanc: Probabilistic gesture control of a robotic arm (co-supervisor, supervisor Jan Kristof Behrens, DP, 2021)
- Pavel Stoudek: Extracting Material Properties of Objects from Haptic Exploration Using Multiple Robotic Grippers (co-supervisor, supervisor Matej Hoffmann, DP, 2020)
- Jan Jirman: Scene reconstruction from multiple RGB-D cameras and detection of the best additional camera viewpoint (supervisor, co-supervisor Radoslav Skoviera, IP, BP, 2020)
- Michal Mares: Exploratory Action Selection to Learn Object Properties from Haptic Exploration Using a Robot Hand (English, co-supervisor, supervisor Matej Hoffmann, current, IP, BP, dean award, 2020)
- Marek Jaluvka: Playing Chess with KUKA Robot Using Linguistic Instructions (supervisor, BP, 2019)
- Tan Wei Xin: Autocompletion algorithm for simple trajectories (co-supervisor, supervisor Radoslav Skoviera, DP, 2019)
- Jakub Rozlivek: Automatic Kinematic Calibration of Dual Arm Manipulator Using Self-contact and Plane Constraints (supervisor, co-supervisor Matej Hoffmann, BP, 2019)
- Lukas Rustler: Artificial Skin Calibration for the Nao Humanoid Robot Using ”Self-touch” (supervisor, co-supervisor Matej Hoffmann, BP, 2019)
- František Puciow: Automatic self-calibration from self-observation and self-touch on a dual-arm industrial manipulator (DP, 2018, co-supervison with Matěj Hoffmann, dean award)